
Tabriz Islamic Art University


Tabriz Islamic Art University is a prestigious institution of higher education located in Tabriz, Iran. With a focus on Islamic art and culture, the university provides a unique learning environment for students interested in pursuing careers in the field of Islamic art and design. Tabriz Islamic Art University offers a wide range of programs and courses, fostering creativity, innovation, and a deep understanding of Islamic artistic traditions. Through its commitment to excellence and cultural preservation, the university prepares students to become skilled professionals who can contribute to the preservation and promotion of Islamic art and culture.

Founding History

Tabriz Islamic Art University was established in [Year] with the vision of preserving and promoting the rich heritage of Islamic art and design. The university aimed to create an academic institution that would provide students with a comprehensive education in various aspects of Islamic art, including calligraphy, miniature painting, carpet weaving, ceramics, and architecture.

The founding of Tabriz Islamic Art University was driven by the recognition of the importance of Islamic art and its contribution to the cultural identity of Iran and the Islamic world. The university sought to create an environment that nurtured creativity, artistic expression, and a deep understanding of Islamic artistic traditions.

Since its establishment, Tabriz Islamic Art University has played a vital role in preserving and promoting Islamic art and culture. The university has attracted renowned faculty members and artists, creating an environment of artistic excellence and cultural appreciation.


Tabriz Islamic Art University encompasses several departments, each specializing in a specific aspect of Islamic art and design. These departments offer diverse programs and courses, ensuring students receive a comprehensive education in their chosen fields. Some notable departments at Tabriz Islamic Art University include:

  • Department of Calligraphy: This department focuses on the art of calligraphy, teaching students various scripts and styles of Islamic calligraphy. Students learn the techniques and principles of this ancient art form and develop their skills in writing beautiful and meaningful Arabic and Persian scripts.
  • Department of Miniature Painting: The Miniature Painting department offers programs in the traditional art of miniature painting, which involves creating intricate and detailed illustrations using delicate brushwork. Students explore historical techniques and styles to create their own unique miniature artworks.
  • Department of Carpet Weaving: This department specializes in the art of carpet weaving, a renowned tradition in Islamic art. Students learn the techniques of knotting, dyeing, and design to create exquisite carpets that showcase the rich cultural heritage and artistic skills of Persian carpet weaving.
  • Department of Ceramic Arts: The Ceramic Arts department focuses on the creation of ceramic artworks inspired by Islamic motifs and designs. Students learn the techniques of pottery and ceramic sculpture, combining traditional craftsmanship with contemporary artistic expressions.
  • Department of Islamic Architecture: This department explores the principles and aesthetics of Islamic architecture, emphasizing the design and construction of buildings that reflect Islamic art and cultural values. Students study historical architectural styles and learn to create innovative architectural designs rooted in Islamic traditions.

These departments, among others, create an inspiring and nurturing academic environment that promotes artistic excellence and cultural preservation.

Courses Offered

Tabriz Islamic Art University offers a wide range of courses that cater to students’ diverse interests and career aspirations in the field of Islamic art and design. From undergraduate to postgraduate programs, students can choose from a variety of fields, including:

  • Calligraphy: The university offers programs in various calligraphy styles, teaching students the art of writing beautiful and meaningful Arabic and Persian scripts.
  • Miniature Painting: The Miniature Painting program focuses on traditional miniature painting techniques, enabling students to create intricate and detailed illustrations inspired by Islamic art.
  • Carpet Weaving: The Carpet Weaving program teaches students the techniques of Persian carpet weaving, enabling them to create exquisite carpets that showcase Islamic art and cultural heritage.
  • Ceramic Arts: The Ceramic Arts program explores the creation of ceramic artworks inspired by Islamic motifs and designs, allowing students to develop their skills in pottery and ceramic sculpture.
  • Islamic Architecture: The Islamic Architecture program delves into the principles and aesthetics of Islamic architecture, enabling students to design and construct buildings that reflect Islamic art and cultural values.

These programs, along with practical training, workshops, and exhibitions, provide students with a well-rounded education and prepare them for successful careers in the field of Islamic art and design.


Tabriz Islamic Art University, with its focus on Islamic art and culture, stands as a leading institution in Tabriz, Iran. The university’s diverse range of departments and programs, along with its esteemed faculty and commitment to preserving and promoting Islamic art and design, contribute to its academic reputation and impact. Tabriz Islamic Art University continues to play a significant role in fostering creativity, innovation, and a deep understanding of Islamic artistic traditions among its students, preparing them to become skilled professionals who can contribute to the preservation and promotion of Islamic art and culture.

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